The joint Committee set up by the National Anomaly
Committee to consider the MACP related issues met on 27th July, 2012.
The Staff Side was represented at the meeting by the following comrades:
Com. M. Raghaviah
Com. Umraomal Purohit
Com. S.K. Vyas
Com. C. Srikumar
Com. K.K.N. Kutty
Com. Shivgopal Misra
Com. Bhosle
The report prepared by the sub-committee after three
rounds of discussions was reviewed at the meeting. The points that came
up for discussion and the decisions taken are as under:
Grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy: The
Staff Side pointed out that the ACP which was in vogue till the advent
of MACP had been on promotional hierarchy. In the name of improvement
of the scheme, the Government cannot unilaterally change it, especially
when the concerned employees do not consider it as advantageous. They
suggested that the employees must be allowed to retain the ACP for the
first two promotions and for the third promotion MACP can be extended.
However, the Official Side said that it would not be possible to have
any hybrid scheme. In fact, they added that the 6th CPC had suggested
for two career progressions only and that too on grade pay hierarchy.
The govt. had improved upon and therefore it was not possible for them
to agree for the suggestion of the Staff Side. They also stated that
the reason for bringing about grade pay hierarchy was to bring about
uniformity in the scheme across the Departments as the promotional
hierarchy varies from one department to another. They declined to
consider the suggestion for promotional hierarchy based MACP.
The Staff Side then pointed that in the last meeting
of the Committee, the Official Side taking into account the difficulties
and disadvantages experienced by the employees in many departments
which were presented by the Staff Side had agreed to consider department
wise/cadre wise options. The Staff Side further pointed out that the
suggestion of the Official Side would not go to resolve the issue. They
said that option must be provide for each individual employee to choose
either the ACP or MACP whichever is beneficial to him as is provided in
the CCS(RP) Rules. The unilateral withdrawal of a benefit from an
employee is not permissible. They also stated that the Official Side
has not pointed out the difficulties in agreeing to this proposal.
After some discussions, the Official Side said that they would
re-examine the issue of individual option and will come up with their
considered view at the next meeting of the NAC.
Counting 50% of service of the Temporary
status/casual labourers for the purpose of MACP: In the light of the
discussion at the meeting, the Official Side agreed to examine the
Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme and
GDCE Scheme: The Official Side agreed to issue orders on the same
lines as has been issued under the ACP Scheme. The Staff Side stated
that wherever examination is the criterion for promotion/fast track
promotion, the service rendered by such employees in the lower post must
be ignored and such promotion should be treated as appointment and the
promotion scheme to commence from the date of such appointment. This
was not agreed to by the official side on the plea that such
appointments are against promotion quota and therefore, they are to be
considered as promotion only. The Staff Side them pointed out that this
issue had been the subject matter of judicial consideration before the
Tribunal and the Tribunal has given the decision in favour of the
employees. The Official Side wanted a copy of the judgement to react to
Date of effect of the Scheme: The Staff Side pointed
out that the date of effect of MACP Scheme must be from 1.1.2006. The
analogy of the 5th CPC has no application as ACP was introduced after
discussion with the Staff Side on a later date. Since the Government
issued the orders of the 6th CPC and the acceptance of the MACP with
modification almost simultaneously, it should have been made effective
from 1.1.2006. They also pointed out that the MACP is not an allowance
to be made application from 1.9.2008. The Official Side pointed out
that the benefit emanating from the MACP i.e. the third promotion was
applicable to all existing employees who were in service after
1.9.2008. The Staff Side demanded that the benefit has been denied to
those who retired between 1.1.2006 and 30.8.2008. The Official Side
agreed to consider application of the new MACP with effect from 1.1.2006
for those who retired/died between 1.1.2006 and 30.8.2008.
Financial up-gradation under MACP in the case of
staff who join another unit/organization on request. It was agreed at
the last meeting that the services rendered in another recruiting
unit/organization will be taken into account for counting service for
promotion under MACP. The Staff Side however, pointed out that in many
cases, the employees are compelled to seek reversion in order to be
transferred to another recruiting unit. In their case, the promotion so
earned at the present recruiting unit and which have been foregone is
being counted as one promotion under MACP. The Official Side agreed to
look into this matter and issue necessary clarificatory orders.
Stepping up of pay of senior incumbent with the
junior as a consequence of ACP/MACP. The Official Side stated that in
the light of the judgments delivered in the matter they will have the
case looked into and necessary instructions issued. They also stated
that certain instructions in the matter has already been issued, copy of
which will be made available to the Staff Side.
The bench mark question for promotion under MACP.
The Official Side agreed to issue a clarificatory order stating that if
the promotion is on seniority cum fitness basis, MACP will also be on
seniority cum fitness basis.
There had been no discussions on
other points incorporated in the report. The stand taken by the
Official side in those matters remains unchanged. You may kindly access
the report from the website of the Department of Personnel along with
the relevant orders.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
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