Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Expected DA From Jan 2012

Expected DA From Jan 2012

Expected Dearness Allowance from January 2012

Dearness allowance is the most important factor than everything like allowance, increment and any privileges. Nowadays, it’s difficult to lead a normal life cope with the current salary, the additional Dearness allowance has been compensated the huge price hike in essential commodities. Last term, the second additional instalment of this year, 7% of DA sanctioned by cabinet. Now the total of the dearness allowance for Central Government employees and Pensioners will be calculated for 58% from the basic salary and pension.

Expected DA from Jan 2012..?
Wait for two more months..!

Month/Year AICPIN
(Basic Year 2001=100)
Total of 12 Months(Previous) 12 Months Average % Increase over 115.76 Approximate DA DA %
Jan-06 119

Feb-06 119

Mar-06 119

Apr-06 120

May-06 121

Jun-06 123

Jul-06 124

Aug-06 124

Sep-06 125

Oct-06 127

Nov-06 127

Dec-06 127 1475 122.92 7.16 6.18 6
Jan-07 127 1483 123.58 7.82 6.76 6
Feb-07 128 1492 124.33 8.57 7.41 7
Mar-07 127 1500 125.00 9.24 7.98 7
Apr-07 128 1508 125.67 9.91 8.56 8
May-07 129 1516 126.33 10.57 9.13 9
Jun-07 13 1523 126.92 11.16 9.64 9
Jul-07 132 1531 127.58 11.82 10.21 10
Aug-07 133 1540 128.33 12.57 10.86 10
Sep-07 133 1548 129.00 13.24 11.44 11
Oct-07 134 1555 129.58 13.82 11.94 11
Nov-07 134 1562 130.17 14.41 12.44 12
Dec-07 134 1569 130.75 14.99 12.95 12
Jan-08 134 1576 131.33 15.57 13.45 13
Feb-08 135 1583 131.92 16.16 13.96 13
Mar-08 137 1593 132.75 16.99 14.68 14
Apr-08 138 1603 133.58 17.82 15.40 15
May-08 139 1613 134.42 18.66 16.12 16
Jun 08 140 1623 135.25 19.49 16.84 16
Jul-08 143 1634 136.17 20.14 17.63 17
Aug-08 145 1646 137.17 21.41 18.49 18
Sep-08 146 1659 138.25 22.49 19.43 19
Oct-08 148 1673 139.42 23.66 20.44 20
Nov-08 148 1687 140.58 24.82 21.44 21
Dec-08 147 1700 141.67 25.91 22.38 22
Jan-09 148 1714 142.83 27.07 23.39 23
Feb-09 148 1727 143.92 28.16 24.32 24
Mar-09 148 1738 144.83 29.07 25.11 25
Apr-09 150 1750 145.83 30.07 25.98 25
May-09 151 1762 146.83 31.07 26.84 26
Jun-09 153 1775 147.92 32.16 27.78 27
Jul-09 160 1792 149.33 33.57 29.00 29
Aug-09 162 1809 150.75 34.99 30.23 30
Sep-09 163 1826 152.17 36.41 31.45 31
Oct-09 165 1843 153.58 37.82 32.67 32
Nov-09 168 1863 155.25 39.49 34.11 34
Dec-09 169 1885 157.08 41.32 35.70 35
Jan-10 172 1909 159.08 43.32 37.42 37
Feb-10 170 1931 160.92 45.16 39.01 39
Mar-10 170 1953 162.75 46.99 40.59 40
Apr-10 170 1973 164.42 48.66 42.03 42
May-10 172 1994 166.17 50.41 43.54 43
Jun-10 174 2015 167.92 52.16 45.05 45
Jul-10 178 2033 169.42 53.66 46.35 46
Aug-10 178 2049 170.75 54.99 47.50 47
Sep-10 179 2065 172.08 56.32 48.65 48
Oct-10 181 2081 173.42 57.66 49.81 49
Nov-10 182 2095 174.58 58.82 50.81 50
Dec-10 185 2011 175.92 60.16 51.97 51
Jan-11 188 2127 177.25 61.49 53.12 53
Feb-11 185 2142 178.50 62.74 54.20 54
Mar-11 185 2157 179.75 63.99 55.28 55
Apr-11 186 2173 181.08 65.32 56.43 56
May-11 187 2188 182.33 66.57 57.51 57
Jun-11 189 2203 183.58 67.82 58.59 58
Jul-11 193 2218 184.83 69.07 59.67 59
Aug-11 194 2234 186.17 70.41 60.82 60
Sep-11 197 2252 187.67 71.91 62.12 62


Dec-11 Expected


We hope that the additional dearness allowance from January 2012 for Central Government Employees and Pensioners will be more than 6%.

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