Wednesday, June 29, 2011







NEW DELHI – 110001

No. JCA/Postal/2011 Dated : 28.06.2011






Sub: Indefinite Postal Strike from 05th July-2011.

The Postal Services in India is the biggest in the world, with a tradition of serving the people of this country for the last 150 years. There are about 1,55,000 Post Offices , 392 Railway Mail Service Sorting Offices. Collection, Processing, Conveyance and delivery of Postal articles including Speed Post , Registered Post, Parcels, Periodicals, Ordinary letters etc. is the main function of the Postal Department. In addition to this the INDIA POST is running the largest Bank called Post offices Savings Bank and also Postal Life Insurance including Rural Postal Life Insurance, as the agency functions of the Finance Ministry, Govt. of India. There are about 5,50,000 employees working in the Postal Department out of which 3,00000 are Gramin Dak Sevaks mostly in the rural Post Offices.

The Postal Joint Council of Action comprising National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) , Federation of National Postal Organizations (FNPO), All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union (AIPEDEU) and National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks(NUGDS)' representing 95% of the employees, has decided to go on Indefinite All India Strike from 5th July 2011. The Bhartiya Postal Employees Federation (BPEF) affiliated to BMS has also given separate notice for indefinite strike from 6th July, 2011. The memorandum regarding the decision for indefinite strike was given to the Secretary, Department of Posts, on 20th April, 2011 it self and the formal Strike Notice was served on 14.06.2011.Three rounds of discussions with Secretary, Department of Posts, took place on 06.06.2011, 07.06.2011 and 27.06.2011, but failed due to the adamant position taken by the Postal authorities.

The Postal Board has appointed the Chicago-based multi-national Consultancy called Mckinsey for optimizing the mail network of INDIA POST. The Department has now started implementing the Mail Network Optimization Project (MNOP) recommended by the Mckinsey. As a first step speed Post hubs are introduced. As per this scheme the existing 315 National Speed Post Centres (NSPC) has been reduced to 89 speed post hubs. Speed post articles booked for delivery in the same district or nearby districts are unnecessarily

dispatched to hubs situated hundred of miles away for processing. From there articles are again back-routed to the delivery post offices. This has resulted in heavy delay in transmission and delivery of speed post articles. Articles which are delivered on the next day earlier are now delayed for 2 to 5 days. Time bound and speedy delivery could not be ensured and this has resulted in erosion of the customer faith in the Postal services which in turn has resulted downfall in the number of speed post articles booked and also in the revenue realized through speed post.

In-spite of the failure of the Speed Post hub experiment, the department is not ready to revert back to the old system. Instead the Postal Board now proposes to introduce hub system for first class mails including registered articles and also for delivery. The existing 366 mail sorting offices are to be closed and 89 first class mail hubs are to be introduced, just like speed post articles first class mails including registered articles of 5 or 6 revenue districts are to be pooled in hubs situated hundreds of miles away and from there they are processed and back-routed for delivery. Similarly the delivery of letters in urban areas at present done from town sub post offices are to be withdrawn and it will be concentrated in delivery hubs. The department also issued instruction to all Chief Postmaster Generals for closure and merger of 9797 urban post offices in the name of optimization. The introduction of first class mail hubs, delivery hubs and closure of offices will further aggravate the delay in transmission and delivery of postal articles and curtailment of postal facilities to the public. Naturally public will loose their faith in the postal services and will be compelled to depend upon courier services.

The JCA has demanded the Postal Board to roll back the speed post hubs and also to reject the proposal to introduce first class mail hubs and delivery hubs and stop closure of offices. But the Postal Board has taken an adamant stand and is unilaterally going ahead with the implementation of Mckinsey recommendations.

The JCA has also demanded the Postal Board to concede the legitimate sectional demands of the Gramin Dak Sevaks, Casual Labourers and other cadres of the Postal department such as Postal Assistants, Sorting Assistants, Postmen, Mail guard, Multi-tasking Staff, System Administrators, PO & RMS Accountants, Postal Accounts Employees, Administrative Staff, SBCO Staff, MMS and Civil Wing employees. The 25 point Charter of demands submitted to the Secretary, Department of Posts, is enclosed herewith

As employees of all the Federations and Unions irrespective of their union affiliations are participating in the strike, the entire postal services will be paralyzed from 5thJuly, 2011.

We earnestly solicit your support for the justified demands of the Postal employees and intervention at Government level for settlement of the demands raised in the Charter of Demands.

Yours Sincerely

M. Krishnan

Secretary General, NFPE

D. Theagarajan

Secretary General, FNPO

S. S. Mahadevaiah

General Secretary



General Secretary


Monday, June 27, 2011







NEW DELHI – 110001




The third round of discussion held with the Postal Board today (27.06.2011) at 3 PM also failed due to the adamant position taken by the Department. Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of Posts, Sri. P. K. Giopinath, Member (Personnel), Mrs. Manjula Parashar, Member (Operations), Sri. Kamaleshwar Prasad, Member (HR) and other Senior Officers were present. Staff side was represented by Secretary Generals, NFPE, FNPO and other General Secretaries.

Immediately on commencement of the meeting the Staff Side expressed its strong resentment and protest against the decision of the Department to go ahead with the Mckinsey recommendations regarding Mail Network Optimisation Project. The Staff side demanded that the aleady failed experiment of speed post hubs should be withdrawn immediately and the decision to implement first class mails hubs and delivery hubs and closure/merger of offices should be dropped. After heated discussion for about two hours no consensus could be arrived on this important agenda of the Charter of Demands. Hence meeting ended with disagreement.

The Central JCA met after the discussion with Postal Board and took the following decisions: -

1. The JCA unanimously decided to go ahead with the strike decision.

2. Campaign and preparations at grass root level for the strike should be further intensified.

3. The indefinite strike shall commence at 6 AM on 05.07.2011

4. 100% strike should be ensured in all Branches/Divisions and Circles.

5. Strike shall not be withdrawn unless and until result – oriented settlement is reached on important items of Charter of Demands.

Friday, June 24, 2011


There is meeting of representatives of JCA with the Secretary, Department of Posts for the discussions on the various issues submitted in charter of demands submitted along with the strike notice on 14-6-2011. As for as Postal Civil Wing is concerned the following issues have been listed in the charter of demands.

1. Creation and filling up of posts in Postal Civil Wing as per CPWD norms.
2. Creation of one Postal Civil Circle, one Electrical Division and one Architectural Division at the Head Quarters of every Chief Postmaster General.
3. Expedition of Restructuring of cadres in Postal Civil Wing.
4. Restricting of transfers of Non-Gazetted staff to the jurisdiction of concerned Postal Circle.
5. Retention of designation of Head Clerk in Postal Civil Wing as per CPWD and as per the old pattern of Postal Civil Wing.
6. Declaration of Head Clerks as Supervisory Cadre as they are doing supervisory job and as exisdting in CPWD and CCW of All India Radio and other similarly situated departments.
All circle Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries of JCA and staff in Postal Civil Wing may please give their suggestions and views over the above demands for discusssion in the meeting. The points are likely to comeup for discussion on 28-6-2011. The matter may please be treated as urgent and views e-mailed on This time on demand from our association the Chief Engineer (C) has also been included in the officers list to attend the meeting with the JCA representatives.

Confederation Circular Dated: 23rd June 2011


Dear Comrade,

We write this to solicit your support and solidarity for the postal workers of the country who are preparing to go on indefinite strike action from 5th July 2011 onwards. The National Federation of Postal employees (NFPE), All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union (AIPEDEU), the two affiliates of the confederation has under the banner of the Joint Council of Action with the Federation of National Postal Organizations (affiliated to INTUC) and the National Union of Gramin Dak Sewak(affiliated to INTUC) have served the Strike notice on 14th June 2011 on the Postal Board. The Strike action will commence on 5th July, 2011.

The Issues

1. Some time back, the Department of Post, appointed the World (in) famous Transnational Corporation, Mckinzey Consultancy to make recommendations to it as to the manner and methodology to be adopted to restructure the century old postal system of the country. While the avowed objective was to modernize the system and make it a profit making venture, the real intent was to reorganize the department in such a manner so as to equip itself viable for privatization/corporatization. Earlier the Postal Department had made several attempts to privatize its functions and in the process large scale outsourcing was also resorted to. With the prime objective of eroding the efficacy of the Postal department, various steps were undertaken like, closure of sorting units, cutting down the staff strength despite widening business ventures, pegging down the overtime rates by linking it to pre-1986 pay scales etc. Thrice the Government made attempts to introduce legislation in the parliament to grant license to courier service providers. The stubborn resistance of the M.Ps especially of the left parties and a few others in the parliament and the struggles organized by the employees at the work spot thwarted it successfully till date. However, systematically and meticulously the Department had been creating conditions whereby the customers moved away to patronize the private courier services, run illegally without any licence whatsoever. Surprisingly even Government Departments, which are to communicate with large number of people often became customers of such illegally run private courier service providers The Mckinzey consultancy who is yet to make its final report, has however, suggested certain measures in the name of Mail Network optimization project which the postal department has now decided to implement without causing any discussions whatsoever with any of the stake holders, especially the unions. Their suggestions include:

(a) Closure/merger of about 9797 post offices in the urban area

(b) Reduce the number of Speed Post Centre from 315 to 89.

(c) Reduce the RMS sorting centres from 412 to 84

(d) To redeploy the postman staff in the newly created "Delivery hubs"

2. The major chunks of the postal workers are Gramin Dak Sewaks or Extra-departmental Agents. The EDA was the system developed by the British Government to spread the postal communication system to far flung rural areas of the country. They were simply agents or franchisees and were appointed so for pittance of a remuneration. Their cause was taken up by the unions of regular employees, the NFPE and its constituents and the FNPO, in the post-independent era and through sustained struggles fetched them very many concessions, benefits and privileges and brought them nearly on par with the regular employees. When the 5th CPC was set up in 1993, the Postal department was forced to appoint a Judicial Commission (The Talwar Commission) to go into the wage-structure and other service conditions of the Extra Departmental Agents, presently called the Gramin Dak Sewaks. The committee made far reaching recommendations, a good number of which the Government had to accept and implement, (except civil servant status and pension) thereby improving the lot of these employees considerably. However, the committee set up in the wake of the 6th CPC, the Natarajamurthy committee headed by a retired Postal bureaucrat, ensured that the EDAs were reduced to casual part time workers reversing in the process, decisions taken on the basis of Talwar Commission suggestions. Most of the committee's recommendations were in sync with the neo-liberal economic policies. The rules governing their service conditions have now been unilaterally amended whereby they may not be even termed as "employees" hereafter. The very caption of the regulatory rules which was GDS-Conduct and Employment rules have now been changed to GDS- Conduct and engagement rules, reducing them to the status of a Contract Worker.

In the negotiations which took place on 6th and 7th June, 2011 the Postal authorities have stuck to their stand of implementing the decision to create Speed Post and First Class mail hubs, despite their inability to contradict the fact presented by the staff side that the creation of such hubs has resulted in abnormal delay in the delivery of articles benefiting the private operators. It has, therefore, become unambiguously clear that without organizing sustained struggles and eliciting the support of the entire section of the working people and garnering public opinion, the reversal of the decision would not come about. The undeniable fact that Government and the Postal department armed with the recommendation of the Mckency consultancy are determined to demolish the existing postal system in the country to pave way for the unhindered entry of private operators has to be defeated.

We therefore once again request you to extend your co-operation, support and solidarity to make the proposed indefinite strike successful to compel the Government to rescind their decision to act upon McKenzie recommendations in the Postal Department.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally

K K N Kutty.

Secretary General

Thursday, June 23, 2011

No Income Tax return for salary Taxpayers with income up to Rs.5 lakh

Ministry of Finance

Salaried Taxpayers with total Income up to Rs.5 lakh Exempted from filing Income Tax Return for Assessment Year 2011-12

The Central Board of Direct Taxes has notified the scheme exempting salaried taxpayers with total income up to Rs.5 lakh from filing income tax return for assessment year 2011-12, which will be due on July 31, 2011.

Individuals having total income up to Rs.5,00,000 for FY 2010-11, after allowable deductions, consisting of salary from a single employer and interest income from deposits in a saving bank account up to Rs.10,000 are not required to file their income tax return. Such individuals must report their Permanent Account Number (PAN) and the entire income from bank interest to their employer, pay the entire tax by way of deduction of tax at source, and obtain a certificate of tax deduction in Form No.16.

Persons receiving salary from more than one employer, having income from sources other than salary and interest income from a savings bank account, or having refund claims shall not be covered under the scheme.

The scheme shall also not be applicable in cases wherein notices are issued for filing the income tax return under section 142(1) or section 148 or section 153A or section 153C of the Income Tax Act 1961.

Source: PIB

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


National Convention of Postal Joint Council of Action (JCA) comprising NFPE,FNPO and GDS Unions was held at Chennai on 19.06.2011.The Convention was presided over by Joint Presidium of Presidents NFPE,FNPO, AIPEDEU and NUGDS i.e. Com.D.K. Rahate, Com.T.N. Rahate, Com.D.N.Giri and Com.G. Satyanarayana Reddy respectively.

Hundreds of All India Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries of all unions of NFPE, FNPO, AIPEDEU and NUGDS participated in the convention from all corners of country. The convention was inaugurated by Com. D.Theagarajan Secretary General FNPO who described the need of calling National Convention of JCA to form a broader unity among the postal workers to fight against policies of Department of Posts and to resist Mckinsey dictated reforms. He appealed to entire rank and file to sink the differences if any between the workers and make the 5th July strike grand success.

Com.M.Krishnan Secretary General NFPE elaborately described all the issues confronting to all Postal, RMS and GDS employees. He informed that how the Postal Board is going ahead to implement the Corporate plan in the name of Mail Optimization and as per directions of Mckinsey Company going to minimize the number of RMS Offices in the name of Mail Hubs and reduction of number of Post Offices in the urban areas by way of closure/merger or relocation .He also stated that every cadre is being attacked by different ways. Formation of delivery hubs and abolition of post of Sorting Postman and non-fixation of any norms for the distance of beat to be travelled by Postman and arbitrary implementation of single batch system are the causes of trouble to Postman. Like wise the GDS is worst effected, 25% posts of Postman vacancies have been declared for open market. Cash handling point has been increased. Compassionate appointment ceiling has been fixed as 10% and now GDS conduct and employment rules have been modified as GDS Conduct and Engagement Rules.

The wages of contingent employees and Casual Labourers have not been revised till date. Like wise all cadres i.e. P.O. & RMS Accountants, System Administrators, Postal Accounts Staff, MMS Drivers and Artisan staff and other are the worst sufferers. He called upon the entirety of Postal, RMS and GDS employees to make every efforts to make the strike a grand success so that the existence of our Department can be saved. Now this is the time to "Do or Die" and "Now or Never". If we fight unitedly we can resist the attacks and dangers being posed by the Government and Department.

The Convention was also addressed by Com. K. Ragavendran Ex. Secretary General of NFPE. The General Secretaries of NFPE Coms. K.V. Sridharan P-III, Giri Raj Singh R-III, I.S. Dabas P-IV , P. Suresh R-IV , Pranab Bhattacharya Admn, T. Satyanarayana Postal Accounts, S.A Raheem Civil Wing and Appan Raj SBCO. The General Secretaries of FNPO Coms. G.P.Muthukrishnan (A.G.S.P-III) T.N. Rahate P-IV, A.H. Siddique R-IV, H.L.Ramtake Postal Accounts, M. Shivkumar SBCO and Antony –Dy. G/S Civil Wing also addressed the convention .

Com. S.S. Mahadeviah G/S AIPEDEU and Com. Gautam A.G.S., NU GDS also addressed the convention.

All the leaders appealed to all to make the strike grand success.

42 delegates who were the All India Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries of NFPE and FNPO and GDS Unions also expressed their views and assured to make the strike grand success.

A declaration in this regard was presented by Com. R.N.Parashar Asstt. Secretary General NFPE which was adopted by the convention unanimously.

Vote of thanks was given by Com. P.Kumar Circle Secretary R-III FNPO Tamil Nadu Circle.

The convention was concluded after the speech of President.

The convention was grand success.

Monday, June 20, 2011

No income tax on amount received to meet the cost of Annual medical check-ups

(Department of Revenue)


New Delhi, the 3rd June, 2011

S.O.1295(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (23AAA) of Section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961(43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of Government of India, Ministry of Finance, number S.O.
672(E) dated the 27th July, 1995, namely :—

in the said notification, in paragraph (1), after clause (c), the following clause shall be inserted, namely :—

(d) to meet the cost of annual medical tests or medical checkups of the member, his spouse and dependent children.

[Notification No. 33/2011/F.No. 197/12/201 0-ITA-I]


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Minutes of the meeting held on 14/7/2010 regarding proposed Central Government Employees and Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme – regarding

F.No.B.12012/03/2010-CGHS (P)
Government of India,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 6th June, 2011.

Subject: – Minutes of the meeting held on 14/7/2010 regarding proposed Central Government Employees and Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to enclose a copy of the Minutes of the meeting of Staff Side Members of National Council (JCM) with Joint Secretary (Regulation), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare held on 14/07/2010 regarding proposed Central Government Employees and Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme (CGEPHIS) for information and further necessary action, if any.

Under Secretary to the Govt. of India.

Minutes of the meeting of Staff Side Members of National Council (JCM) with Joint Secretary (Regulation) held on 14/07/2010 at 11: 00 AM in the Committee Room of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi on the proposed Health Insurance Scheme for Central Government employees and pensioners.

Shri Vineet Chawdhry, Joint Secretary (Regulation) M/o Health and Family Welfare held a meeting with staff side members of National Council (JCM) on 14th July. 2010. List of the participants in the meeting is at Annexure.

At the outset, Chairman welcomed the Staff Side members of National Council (JCM) to the meeting to discuss the proposed Central Government Employees & Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme (CGEPHIS), to be rolled out in compliance of the recommendation of Sixth Central Pay Commission and to directions of Committee of Secretaries (COS). He informed the members about the salient features of the Scheme which had already been circulated, and said that:

• The proposed scheme shall be compulsory for new appointees and new retirees and would be voluntary for existing pensioners and employees.

• Government may bear upto 75% of the insurance premium share as a subsidy depending upon the eligible categories of the employee. The remaining portion of the premium will be borne by the members as is being done for CGHS.

• Scheme will have no age limit, therefore member of any age can join the scheme.

• All pre existing diseases will be covered from day one.

• He further stated that OPD benefit is not available under the Insurance scheme due to various constraints, however, free OPD consultation will be provided by the networked hospitals and also they will charge the discounted CGHS rates for diagnostics procedures if prescribed during OPD consultation. However, cost of medicines will not be covered in such cases.

• The scheme will operate on cashless basis on the lines of existing CGHS packages for the treatment taken in the networked hospitals by pensioners beneficiaries and no money is to be paid by the members to the hospitals.

• The ‘family’ under CGEPHIS has been defined as self, spouse two dependent children and two dependent parents. Dependency criteria will remain same as applicable under CGHS. For including any additional member as a beneficiary under the scheme, the beneficiary would have to bear the entire premium on the additional member without it being subsidized by the Government.

• The Insurance cover for the family will be Rs. 5 lakh and it will operate on family floater basis. In addition to this, a provision has also been made to create a corporate buffer of Rs. 25 Crore to take care of eventualities in cases where the above limited is exhausted fully and the member/ beneficiary is still undergoing treatment. In other words, although a monetary limit of Rs 5 Iakh has been kept as insurance cover for the family but it is only to decide the insurance premium with the Insurer. In fact, the members will enjoy an unlimited cover for their medical treatment under this Health Insurance Scheme too. Anything over and above Rs. 5 lakh will be borne by the Government.

• Pre and post hospitalization benefits would also be available to the members.

• Insurance premium to be paid would be deducted from the salary of the serving employees and pensioners would authorize their banks to deduct the applicable premium.

• There will be a provision in the scheme for the beneficiaries to opt out of the scheme after three years.

Shri V. P. Singh, Deputy Secretary (Medical services) informed the members that the Ministry conducted a ‘Demand Survey’ and gave wide publicity through newspaper advertisements all over India and invited response from the target population i.e., employees and pensioners who are willing to join the Scheme when it becomes operational. It was hosted on the website of the Ministry and CGHS website and willingness was invited through email too. The response have been quite encouraging and around 16,000 responses have been received which are being compiled for analysis. Majority of the response were from Non CGHS area and people have shown their willingness to join the scheme. The staff side requested that the outcome of the ‘Demand Survey’ may also be shared with them on its completion, which was agreed to.

He also informed that as per the information made available by IRDA, 97% of the claims settled by the Insurance companies involved amount of less than Rs 3 lakh annually. Only 0.35 % of the claims were for amount exceeding Rs. 5 lakh annually, the balance falling between the Rs 3 to 5 lakh. Hence the proposed insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh would be adequate for the beneficiaries.

DR. S. P. Goswamy, National Consultant (Health Insurance), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed the members that most of the benefits available under CGHS have been made a part of the CGEPHIS. The CGEPHIS is almost a replica of CGHS. Most of the defined day-care procedures which are covered in CGHS under OPD have been made part of the scheme. Further, in such cases where patients require hospitalization, but the condition of the patient is such that he cannot be shifted to hospital or bed is not available, CGEPHIS shall provide for such medical treatment under domiciliary hospitalization. These cases are part of OPD in CGHS

Chairman further informed the Staff Side that all possible efforts have been made to make the Scheme suitable for the employees and pensioners retaining in it all the important features of CGHS and CS(MA)Rules, 1944, so that it attracts the target group and provide a freedom of choice in the hands of employees and pensioners, to select the best suitable scheme for them. He sought the views of the Staff Side members of JCM on the Scheme.

Opening the discussion from the Staff Side, Shri S.K.Vyas Member(Staff side) JCM informed the meeting of their collective view on the scheme and stated that they have been opposing the Health Insurance Scheme all along and they still hold the view that CS(MA) Rules, 1944 is more suitable and it may be extended to all non CGHS areas and should provide cover to the pensioners who have been deprived of this medical facility since long. He further opined that the proposed scheme will also deprive the existing benefits available to the employees and pensioners viz. OPD facilities, coverage to all dependent family members etc. Extension of CS(MA) Rules, 1944, to all pensioners living in Non CGHS areas is their long pending demand. The Staff side unanimously stated that if the Government has already made up its mind to introduce Insurance Scheme, it should be implemented with the following points given due consideration before introduction of the scheme, so that it attracts the prospective members to join the scheme:

• The Scheme should not be made compulsory for the future employees and pensioners. A voluntary option for joining the scheme must be given to all future employees and pensioners. The choice must be left to them. Especially the future retirees should not be deprived of the CGHS benefits that they have been availing during their service period as per the present scheme.

• All eligible dependent members of the family may be allowed to join the scheme without any additional financial burden on members. This is being done in the existing CGHS and no financial burden is being imposed on members. Whatever the liability of premium for additional members is worked out; the same may be borne by the Government.

• As the OPD consultation will be free in networked hospital, the cost of medicines on the prevailing guidelines of the CGHS may be reimbursed to the members. Else, an amount to Rs. 1000 +DA per month as Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) be paid to them on the analogy of the Transport Allowance. The revised amount of Rs. 300/- per month as FMA is inadequate, considering the ever increasing cost of the medical treatment under the present inflationary conditions.

• The annual contribution to be made by the employee as his share of the Insurance premium for the Health Insurance policy should not in any case be more than the CGHS contribution applicable for him.

• Life time contribution in respect of insurance premium may be taken from the pensioners as per the present CGHS provisions (for ten years for life time benefit) and rest may be borne by the government.

Staff side raised the point about the implementation process of the scheme and enquired about the number of Insurance companies that may be involved in this scheme, as insurers to cover the entire country. Chairman informed the members that it will depend upon the future scenario as it emerges in due course.

Shri S.K. Vyas reiterated his opinion that the extension of CS(MA) Rules, 1944, to the pensioners living in non CGHS areas would be more economical and cost effective way of addressing their health related issues in comparison to the proposed Health Insurance Scheme (CGEPHIS).

Shri C. Srikumar raised the issue of revision of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to those employees who are posted in remote areas where AMA is not available. Since the Government has already issued order for revising the FMA for pensioners, necessary order for serving employees may also be issued.

Chairman assured the Staff Side members of the National Council(JCM) that the Ministry will look into the points raised by them seriously and the concerns expressed by them and suggestions made by them will be given due consideration while finalising the Scheme.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.



Wednesday, June 15, 2011



From Chennai Central, plenty of Bus Services are available (NOs ….. 11A, 11G, M11A)

From Chennai Egmore, Bus Route No. 9, 10A Buses are available. T. Nagar is just within to Five to Six Kilometers from Central & Egmore). From Egmore, Suburban trains are available to ‘Mambalam’ which is the nearby railway station to T. Nagar & venue.

For any assistance, all are requested to contact the following comrades who are available at Chennai.


Com. D. Theyagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO - 09444841440

Com. S. Raghupathy, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE - 09444454518

Com. N. Gopalakrishnan, Working President, P3, NFPE - 09444059259

Com. A. Veeramani, Asst. General Secretary, P3, NFPE - 09444208159

Com. M. Kannaiyan, Circle Secretary, R3, NFPE - 09444113586

Com. G. P. Muthukrishnan, Asst. General Secretary,P3,FNPO- 09443302607

Com. P. Kumar, Circle Secretary, R3, FNPO - 09444257979

Com. K. Gunasekaran, Circle Secretary, P4, FNPO - 09444245466

Accommodation will be provided from 18/6/2011 evening. Food including Break fast will be provided only on 19/6/2011. Delegate fee will be Rs. 500/-

Let us make the All India Convention a grand success.



RTI task force seeks protection for whistleblowers

New Delhi, June 15 (PTI) A special task force set up by the government to ensure effective implementation of RTI has sought protection for whistleblowers.
It has asked the government to frame laws and devise mechanism to protect RTI activists across the country."A meeting will be held later this month with the representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs," an official of the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), the nodal agency for implementation of the transparency Act, said.The move assumes significance as there has been a spurt in incidences of violence against RTI activists.The task force, created by DoPT, aims at seeking ways for effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, which aims at bringing in more transparency and accountability in governance.Under Section 4 of the RTI Act, a public authority -- including ministries, departments, PSUs -- is duty-bound to maintain all its records duly catalogued and indexed and put it in public domain."We have asked the government to provide security for RTI activists. It will encourage whistleblowers and others to work for bringing in transparency in the system," said Ajay Dubey, an RTI activist.The Task Force will finalise its recommendation by July 31 and submit it to the department for consideration

Monday, June 13, 2011

BSNL introduces Special offer to Central Government Employees...

BSNL introduces Special offer to Central Government Employees...

BSNL introduces 3-G mobile services

3G Postpaid and Prepaid Data Service

A discount of 10% on FMC of all 3G postpaid data plan is to be offered to Government Employees (Central Government/ State Government/ PSUs) both existing / new connection after verifying the credential of the officer. The above 10% discount can not be clubbed with any other special discount/concession.

click below the link to know more details...




JCA Convention was held at Central Railway Men's Union Office at Dadar Railway Station, Mumbai on 5.6.11. All CHQ Office Bearers, Circle Presidents and Circle Secretaries and Circle Union Office Bearers expect AIPEU P-IV, AGS with AIPEDEU All India President and C/S NUPE P-IV union attended the convention.Com. I.S. Dabas G/S P-IV & Com. D. Kasid from FNPO were the main speaker. The Convention was successful.


JCA Convention of Rajasthan Circle was held at Jaipur GPO on 5.6.11. More than one hundred CHQ/Circle Office Bearers and Divisional Secretaries of NFPE unions and GDS Union attended the convention. No body represented from FNPO. Com.R.N.Parashar Astt. Secretary General, NFPE was the main speaker .Com. Rajendra Diwakar, Treasurer CHQ, ED Union, Com. H.P Diwakar Circle Secretary P-III, Com. B.M. Sunda Circle Secretary R-III and Chandmal Saini Circle Secretary R-IV also addressed the convention. The convention was successful.


Convention of Delhi Circle NFPE, FNPO Unions including GDS was held on 12-06-2011 under the Presidentship of Com. Harinder Singh Leader Staff Side & Circle Secretary R-IV in Recreation Club of MMS Depot Naraina. Coms. Giri Raj Singh General Secretary R-III, K.K.Sharma Treasurer CHQ & Vice President NFPE, Mahavir Singh Circle Secretary P-IV & Treasurer CHQ P-IV, Amar Pal Circle Secretary R-III & Secretary Staff Side, Kamal Singh AGS R-IV from NFPE, Ashok Dy. General Secretary NUP-IV, Davender Kumar Circle Secretary NUR-III, Daryao Singh Circle Secretary NUR-IV from FNPO and other leaders addressed the Convention and appealed to mobilize, unite the entire rank and file to participate and make the Indefinite Strike from 5th July, 2011 grand success. Com. Harinder Singh Circle Secretary R-IV addressed and gave vote of thanks.


Joint convention of U.P. Circle Unions NFPE & FNPO including GDS Union was held at Lucknow under the Presidentship of Com. A.H.Siddique General Secretary NUR-IV on 5-6-2011. Com. Giri Raj Singh General Secretary R-III, R.K.Gupta AGs & Circle Secretary R-III, V.K.Saha AGS & Circle Secretary P-IV, S.B.Yadav Circle Secretary Postal Accounts, R.K. Tripathy, Circle Secretary NUR-III, Pramod Kumar Circle Secretary GDS Union, A.H.Siddique General Secretary NUR-IV and other leaders addressed this joint convention.

Secretary General NFPE


Circle JCA convention of Kerala was held on 12.06.2011 at Ernakulam (Kochi). About 200 Circle / Divisional Secretaries and Circle Union office bearers of NFPE and FNPO participated. Convention inaugurated by Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General , NFPE. Presided by Sri Johnson Avokkaran, All India Asst. General Secretary p- 3 (FNPO). Com. C. Chandrasekhar (Working President NFPE) Com. S. Appanraj (General Secretary , AIPSBCOEA) Sri. C. Trivikraman Nair (Asst. General Secretary, P-4 FNPO), Com. Murugan (Working President, AIPEDEU) Sri. B.S. Venu (Treasurer NUGDS) Com. P.V. Rajendran (Asst. General Secretary R-3 NFPE) addressed the convention. Com.K. Ravikuttan (Circle President P-3 NFPE) welcomed and Sri. Mohanachandran (FNPO) offered vote of thanks. The convention declared that the indefinite strike from 5th July will be a total success in Kerala Circle.

Secretary General NFPE



All Circle/Divisional Secretaries are requested to Hold Demonstrations under the banner of JCA on 14.06.2011 & Serve Strike notice to all CPMGs/PMGs and all Divisional Heads .Copy of Strike Notice along with Charter of Demands may be downloaded from NFPE website or from our website


General Secretary

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pendency of a case against Pensioner-CAT allows Pension

Pension and increments of a public servant cannot be withheld only on the basis a pending criminal case against him unless he is convicted, the apex administrative tribunal has held.

"It is amply clear that only on the basis of the case pending against the applicant (Primary School Head Master Lakhi Ram), pension cannot be withheld under Central Civil Services (CCS Pension) Rules, 1972," a two-member bench of Central Administrative Tribunal headed by Justice Meera Chhibber said.

The bench also favored releasing gratuity during the pendency of criminal case but with an earlier judgment of the CAT ruling against it, the bench referred the question on the gratuity issue to a larger bench.

"Gratuity cannot be withheld under rules of CCS Pension Rules. Otherwise also as per the provision (of) Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, gratuity cannot be withheld," it said.

"Since we have taken a different view about release of gratuity during the pendency of criminal case than what had been held by the coordinate bench in another case in 2009, the matter may be placed before the chairman on administrative side for constitution of a larger bench to determine the clear position of law on the subject," the bench said.

The judgment came on a petition filed by Lakhi Ram, a Municipal Corporation of Delhi-run primary school headmaster, who retired in August 2007.

He had been suspended on August 13, 2001 after his arrest in criminal case relating to a property dispute.

Though he was reinstated in May 2005 and retired in 2007, his annual increments were stopped from 2001 and were not restored even after his reinstatement in service.

The court directed Education Department of Municipal Corporation of Delhi to grant increments to him from the date of his reinstatement to his superannuation and to fix his pay as per the sixth pay revision and determine his provisional pension.

source- pti&gconnect

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Amendment to CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 — Notification regarding

No. 38/80/2008-P&PW (A) (Part II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 8th June 2011

The Manager,
Govt. of India Press,
Mayapuri, Ring Road,
New Delhi 110064

Subject: Amendment to CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 — Notification regarding.

I am to forward herewith a copy of Notification in duplicate (English & Hindi version) on the above subject and to request that the same may be published in the Gazette of India, Part II, Section 3, sub-section (ii).

2. It is further requested that 100 spare copies of the Printed version of the Notification may kindly be sent to this Department.

End: As above.

Yours faithfully.
(Tripti P. Ghosh)


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare


New Delhi, dated the 8th June 2O11

G.S.R……….. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, namely:-

. (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Pension) Amendment Rules, 2011.

(2) They shall come into force . on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972,-

(1) in rule 8, in sub-rule (1), in the provisio, for the words “rupees three hundred and seventy five”, the words “rupees three thousand five hundred” shall be substituted;

2) in rule 9, in sub-rule (1), in the second proviso for the words “rupees three hundred and seventy-five”, the words “rupees three thousand five hundred” shall be substituted;

Original Order








vHold Demonstrations on 14.06.2011 & Serve Strike notice

vPrint the enclosed phamplet in hundreds and distribute to public in the name of JCA

vIntensify the campaign for ensuring 100% strike from 05.07.2011

vAttend All India Convention at Chennai on 19.06.2011 and make it success

Dear Friends and Comrades,

14.06.2011. Demonstration & Serving Strike notice

The draft copy of the Strike notice & Charter of Demands is furnished in the following link.

(i) Please Click for Strike notice

(ii) Please Click for Charter of Demands

All Branch/Divisional/Circle Secretaries are requested to download the above and submit the same to the divisional/Circle administration after holding a massive demonstration on 14.06.2011. Report about the programme may please be communicated to the respective CHQ Head Quarters without fail.

Distribute Phamplets to Public & Customers

Another draft copy of the Phamplet to be printed on behalf of JCA for distribution to public and Customer is furnished in the following link.

(i) Please Click for notice: Save Postal

Specific cases relating to your own Circle/division may also be added for information of public. Please download and print the same for distribution. Similarly it may please be translated into your regional language and the same may also please be printed and distributed.

Please approach all the important personalities including MPs/MLAs/Local representatives etc requesting their good offices to save the Postal service by dropping the current move of optimization. The copy of the notice issued by the divisions must be reached the respective CHQ within ten days.

19.06.2011 All India Convention

The venue of the All India Convention at Chennai will be at Sree Padmam Kalyana Mandapam, No. 6/2, Radhakrishnan Street, T. Nagar, Chennai 600017, (Near Pondy Bazar Bus Stop & T. Nagar, HPO, Chennai – 600017.

From Chennai Central, plenty of Bus Services are available (NOs ….. 11A, 11G, M11A)

From Chennai Egmore, Bus Route No. 9, 10A Buses are available. T. Nagar is just within to Five to Six Kilometers from Central & Egmore). From Egmore, Suburban trains are available to ‘Mambalam’ which is the nearby railway station to T. Nagar & venue.

For any assistance, all are requested to contact the following comrades who are available at Chennai.


Com. D. Theyagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO - 09444841440

Com. S. Raghupathy, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE - 09444454518

Com. N. Gopalakrishnan, Working President, P3, NFPE - 09444059259

Com. A. Veeramani, Asst. General Secretary, P3, NFPE - 09444208159

Com. M. Kannaiyan, Circle Secretary, R3, NFPE - 09444113586

Com. G. P. Muthukrishnan, Asst. General Secretary,P3,FNPO- 09443302607

Com. P. Kumar, Circle Secretary, R3, FNPO - 09444257979

Com. K. Gunasekaran, Circle Secretary, P4, FNPO - 09444245466

Accommodation will be provided from 18/6/2011 evening. Food including Break fast will be provided only on 19/6/2011. Delegate fee will be Rs. 500/-

Let us make the All India Convention a grand success.

With struggle greetings,

Central JCA (Postal)

Head Quarters

New Delhi