Sunday, July 29, 2012

Feedback of MACP Joint Committee meeting held on 27.7.2012 - as reported by NFIR

Meeting of the Joint Committee on MACPs Anomalies

As decided in the National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 17/07/2012, the DOPT held separate meeting with the Leaders of Staff Side at North Block, New Delhi, Room No. 190 on 27/07/2012. Shri.M.Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR has participated in the meeting.
Discussions were held on following issues:-
1. Grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy :-
The staff side insisted that option be given to individual employees in this regard to facilitate  him/her to opt for availing benefit of financial upgradation.
After discussion it was agreed to examine in depth for finding solution.
2. Date of effect of MACP Scheme :
The desirability of giving effect to the MACP Scheme w.e. f. 01.01.2006 will be examined.
3. Counting of total temporary status Casual Labour Service reckoning 10/20/30 years under MACP Scheme:
Official Side stated that this will be processed separately.

4. Treatment of employees selected under LDCE/GDCE Scheme:
In the light of the instructions issued when the ACP Scheme was introduced. The same policy be adopted and accordingly orders will be issued. In other words, those inducted through LDCE/GDCE Scheme, such induction may be counted as appointment and will be reckoned as promotion.
5. Problems faced in the identical Grade Pay:
It was agreed to issue instructions for granting additional increment for fixation of Pay in case of promotion to the same Grade Pay. Instructions in this regard will be issued to Ministry of Railways etc .
6. Financial Upgradation Under MACPs, in the case of staff who joined another unit/organisation on request:
The Staff Side has pointed out that OM dated 01/11/2010 should be suitably Amended covering the staff who were transferred on request on reversion to the Unit/Organisation so that the total service rendered in the previous Unit/Organisation may be counted for MACPs. It  was agreed to be considered.
7. Extension of benefit of MACPS to an employee appointed in Grade where direct  recruitment element is there while ignoring service and promotion rendered prior to his appointment in that post:
Official Side reiterated that suitable clarification No. 5 of OM dated 09/09/2012 was already issued.
8. Stepping up of Pay of Senior incumbents at par with Junior incumbents as a consequence of  ACP/MACPs :
Staff Side has explained the case of gross injustice done, more particularly in the Accounts Department of India” Railways wherein the incumbents who cleared the Appendix examination are drawing less pay than those who could not qualify the said examination and got the benefit of MACPs. The staff side insisted that this situation is leading to de-motivation among qualified staff and urged for rectifying the anomalies. It was agreed to consider and Ministry of Railways advised to send the proposal
9. Employees who got one promotion prior to 01/09/2008 and completed over two decades of service without benefit of promotion and are denied third ACP under MACPs:
After discussion, official side agreed that is a peculiar situation and assured to take action to rectify the situation. The staff side has insisted that in such cases third ACP should be straight away given to staff from the date subsequent to the date of completion of two decades of service after promotion. Official side appreciated the logic and reasonableness and agreed to considered.
Official Side appreciatcd the logic and reasonableness and agreed to consider.
10. Modification of recruitment rules particularly in Railways and upgradation granted by abolition of Pay Scale-Implementation of MACPs :
The Staff Side explained that in the Railways the lower Pay Scales were abolished and posts were upgraded to the higher Pay Scales with revision of recruitment qualification and designation. In such cases the staff side insisted that entry Grade Pay as a result of upgradation subsequent to abolition of lower Pay Scales should be taken into consideration for reckoning 10/20/30 years of service for granting MACP.
Official side has agreed to obtain detials from Ministry of Railways for issuing appropriate clarification. In the meanwhile, Railway Board will have discussion with the Staff Side separately so that appropritate proposal could be sent to the DoP&T.
11. Placement of staff as a result of upgradation of posts :
The Staff side (NFIR) insisted that such placements should not be considered as promotion for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme. 
Official side stated that this will be examined.
12. In the course of discussion the Official Side also stated that MACP Scheme should be a fall-back option and the Ministries should conduct Cadre Restructuring for ensuring that the staff could be promoted within the reasonable time i.e. within 10 years. When the Staff Side pointed out that the Ministry of Railways is citing the instructions of Ministry of Finance issued some years back that only one third of the Cadre could be disturbed, for revising the percentages, the Official Side clarified that necessary clarificatory instructions will be issued to the Ministry of Railways etc., so that the Cadre Restructuring can be done without problems.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The 5th National Anamoly Committee Meeting held on 17-7-2012 has discussed the following agenda as published by AIRF

The following agenda items were taken-up and the discussions are as follows:

Items No.1,2,3 & 4 – Fixation of pay in revised pay scale 
Despite lots of deliberations, Official Side did not agree to revise the Pay Band of GP Rs.9300-34800, and ultimately disagreement has been recorded.

Item No.5(ii), (iv)(with 32 & 33), (v)(vii) – Rule 8 of the revised pay rules 
Fixation of pay on promotion 
It was agreed that, wherever there is provision of direct recruitment in the recruitment rules, pay on promotion would be fixed to minimum of the Entry Pay as provided for in the revised rules, irrespective of the fact whether direct recruitment has actually taken place or not.

Item No.12 & 13 – Transport Allowance 
Earlier Overtime Allowance was admissible on City Compensatory Allowance(CCA) also. The VI CPC has sum the CCA with Transport Allowance. Official Side agreed to consider the provision of Transport Allowance to be paid for the purpose of OTA. It was also agreed to consider something for the residents of NCR, i.e. Ghaziabad, Faridabad and Gurgaon on the line of CCA.

Item No.14 – Revision of existing allowances which are to be withdrawn and replaced by new schemes 
The Official Side has informed that the matter doubling of rates of Risk Allowance and Patient Care Allowance is being sent to the Cabinet for approval.

Item No.16 & 17 – Parity in Pension 
The matter is sub-judiced.

Item No.25, 25 & 26 – Commutation of Pension 
It was decided that the calculation of commutation factor for the employees retired prior to and after 1.9.2008 would be tabulated to discuss the matter further. Item No.29 & 30 – Revision of Base Index for D.A. Calculation of DA would be sent to the Staff Side shortly.

Item No.36 – Income criteria in respect of parents and widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters 
The matter is under examination.

Item No.38 & 39 – Anomaly in fixing grade pay 
The matter is under examination.

Item No.41 – Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same grade pay   
The matter of granting one increment on promotion is under active consideration of the government.

Item No.44 – Anomaly in the pay scale/pay band and grade pay of Library Information Assistants 
The matter will be considered after collecting date from the Ministry of Culture, being Nodal Ministry.

Item No.45 – Anomaly in pension of those in receipt of stagnation increments in pre-revised pay scale 
The matter is under examination.

Item No.46 – Disparity in pay scales and status: Officers in Stenographers Cadre 
The matter is under examination. 

Item No.48 – 15 year period fixed for restoration of commuted portion of pension arbitrary and unjustified Not agreed.

Item No.49 – Anomalies in the matter of pay scales of Stenographers 
The matter is under examination.

Item No.50 – Anomalies in the pay scales of Official Language Staff 
The matter is under examination. 

Items relating to MACP Scheme would be discussed in a separate meeting on 27th July. 

It was also agreed that the leftover items, not included in the agenda, will be discussed.
The items relating to MACP Scheme would be discussed in a separate meeting scheduled to be held on 27th July. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The President of India has amended the Central Civil Services (Medical Examination) Rules, 1957 recently. For amended rules click the following link.



Saturday, July 14, 2012

DOPT has issued guidelines to National Training Policy which was formulated by it in the month of January 2012.

The Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT) is nodal agency of Government of India for matters related to training of Civil servants.  To fulfill this mandate the National Training Policy was initiated in the year 1996 and a final policy framework was completed in the year 2012.
The NTP 2012 mandated that h16 Department of Personnel and Training shall issue appropriate quidelines to facilitate the implementation of the Policy.  These guidelines are issued in pursuance of this mandate.
The guidelines for NTP 2012 now issued by DOPT in the Office Memorandum No: 12021/1/2012-Trg.I dated 04.07.2012 are:
(i) Appointment of Training Manager and creation of Training Cell to institutionalize the training and development activities.
(ii) Development of Cadre Training Plan (CTP) by Cadre Controlling Authorities for their respective cadres.  Those cadres who aleady have their CTPs should review them.  The underlying principle of such review should be to provide for training which is need based and linked to the competencies required for their current and future jobs.
(iii) Development of Annual Training Plan by Ministry / Department for all employees working under it.
(iv) Development of domain / sector specific trainers by Ministries / Departments for undertaking large scale training.
(v) Developing training institutions under Ministries / Departments in to ‘Centres of Excellence’.
The detailed guidelines for appointment of Training Manager and development of CTP, ATP, Domain / Sector Specific Trainers and transforming government training institutions in to ‘Centre of Excellence’ are given as annexure to this Office Memorandum dated 04.07.2012. You can download this Office Memorandum  12021/1/2012-Trg.I dated 04.07.2012, using the link below.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Circulars related to Vigilance matters
1. Improving vigilance administration-no action to be taken on anonymous/pseudonymous petitions/complaints No.3(v)/99/2 of CVC dated 29.06.99
2. Improving vigilance administration-no action to be taken on anonymous/pseudonymous petitions/complaints. No.98/DSP/9 of CVC dated 31.01.02
3. Improving vigilance administration-no action to be taken on anonymous/pseudonymous petitions/complaints No.98/DSP/9 of CVC dated 11.10.02
4. Disposal of complaints OO No.53/09/03 of CVC dated 23.09.03
5. Vigilance angle-definition of OO No.23/04/04 of CVC dated 13.04.04
6. Vigilance angle-definition of (partial modification) OO No.74/12/05 of CVC dated 21.12.05
7. Commission�s advice in cases not having vigilance angle OO No.11/02/04 of CVC dated 19.02.04
8. Procedure for making references to the Commission for seeking advice. No.NZ/PRC/1 of CVC dated 12.05.03
9. Procedure for making references to the Commission for seeking advice No.NZ/PRC/1 of CVC dated 26.02.04
10. References to the Commission for its advice No.NZ/PRC/1 of CVC dated 09.05.05
11. References to the Commission for its advice Circular No.14/3/06 of CVC dated 13.03.06
12. References to the Commission for its advice Circular No.15/4/08 of CVC dated 24.04.08
13. Guidelines to be followed by the authorities competent to accord sanction for prosecution u/s.19 of the PC Act OO No.31/5/05 of CVC dated 12.05.05
14. Strengthening of vigilance mechanism-Systemic Reforms and the role supervisory officers . OM No.372/4/2008-AVD-III of DOPT dated 24.06.08
15. Strengthening of vigilance mechanism-giving wide publicity to Government�s anti-corruption policies OM No.372/3/2008-AVD-III of DOPT dated 03.07.08
16. Jurisdiction of CVC in relation to the officers of the level of Group-B, Gazetted OO No.26/4/04 of CVC dated 16.04.04
17. Procedure in relation to officers of the level of Group-B F.No.DGIT(Vig.) /Misc.Instns./2004 of DGIT(Vig.) dated 02.12.04
18. Notification relating to Suspension Notification of DOPT dated 23.12.03
19. Suspension of Government servants-review of instructions OM No.11012/4/2003-Estt.(A) of DOPT dated 07.01.04
20. Consultation with the CVC in cases where action taken u/r.19(i) of the CCS(CCA) Rules. OM No.118/1/2005-AVD.III of DOPT dated 08.04.05
21. Difference of opinion between CBI & Administrative authorities OO No.1/1/04 of CVC dated 08.01.04
22. Processing of Files in Department of Revenue OO No.135/2005 of DOR dated 31.05.05
23. Processing of Files in Department of Revenue OO No.196/2005 of DOR dated 08.07.05
24. Delegation of power in respect of disciplinary action OO No.205/2005 of DOR dated 19.07.05
25. Gazetted Notification relating to Appointing Authority & Authority competent to impose penalties Notification of MOF, DOR, CBDT dated 05.10.88
26. Resignation from service-procedure. O.M. No.39/6/57-Ests(A)dated 06-05-1958 (MHA)
27. Procedure for making promotions and functioning of the department No,22011/3/88-Estt(D) dated11-05-1990 DOP&T
28. Promotion of govt. servants against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending No.22011/4/91-Estt(A) dated 14th Sept.1992 DOP&T
29. NFSG-Group A Officer-sealed cover procedure No,22038/1/02-Estt(D) dated08-01-2003 DOP&T
30. Cases of persons whose conduct is under investigation or against whom a charge sheet is pending- consideration for promotion No.22012/1/99-Estt.(D) dated 25-10-2004 DOP&T
31. Promotion of persons under going penalty-clarification regarding No.22034/5/04-Estt(D) dated15-12-2004 DOP&T
32. Guidelines regarding grant of vigilance clearance to members of Central Civil Services. No.11012/11/07-Estt.(A) dated 14-12-07
Suggestion for protection of informant F.No. DGIT(Vig.)/PV/sugg./2010-11
34. Change in procedure in grant of vigilance clearance for the purpose of issue of identity certificate/NOC to officers applying for passport. No.IV/401/01/05/2008 dt.5th October 2009
35. Sanction for prosecution u/s 19(1) of the Prevention of corruption Act No.107/13/2007-AVD-I 27th June 2008
36. Withdrawal /withholding /recovery of pension/gratuity in the case of minor penalty proceedings No.110/9/2003-AVD-I dated 13-04-2009
37. Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers/Presenting Officers No.142/20/2008-AVDI dated27-07-2009
38. Guidelines for checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution No.399/33/2006-AVD-II dated 06th November 2006
39. Procedure For Handling of Complaint By Field Offices DGIT(Vig.)/ Minutes- CVC/ 2004-05/ 7055 dated 03.02.2005
40. Reallocation of Work Related to Immovable Property Returns to DGIT(HRD) F No. 27013/6/2010/ Ad VI(A) dated 18.08.11
41. Guidelines Regarding Grant of Vigilance Clearance to Members of Central Civil Services No.11012/11/2007-Estt.A dated 27th September 2011
42. Reducing delay in Departmental Proceedings - ensuring availability of documents CVC Circular No.3/1/06 dated 18/01/2006
43. Improving Vigilance administration - Reducing delays in Departmental Inquiries CVC Letter No. 3(v)/99/7 dated 06.09.1999

Circulars related to RTI matters
1. Disclosure of information relating to occurrence/event/matter which took place 20 years back No.1/14/2007-IR dated 31-10-2007
2. Clarification regarding sub section (4) &(5) of section 5 of Right to information Act,2005. No.1/14/2008-IR dated 28-07-2008
3. Disclosure of file noting under Right to Information Act,2005 No.1/20/2009-IR dated 23-06-2009
4. Disclosure of third party information under RTI ,Act 2005 No.8/2/2010-IR dated 27-04-2010
5. Clarification regarding term information as defined in the RTI Act No.1/7/2009-IR dated 20-05-2011
6. Disclosure of movement / tour details of the officers /officials working in the vigilance departments of the Govt. organisation No.CVC/RTI/Misc/10/002
7. RTI applications received by a Public Authority regarding information concerning other public authority / authorities. O.M. of F-10/2/2008-IR of DOPT dated 24.09.2010