( Central Head Quarters ) P.No.04024556664/9490155999
Sujay Bhattacharya, Flat No.206,
President Vishwa Priya Ravula Plaza,
S. A. Raheem, Prashanth Nager, Malakpet
General Secretary Hyderabad - 500 036.
No.GS/PCWEA/2011 / 6 Dated 28th January 2011
Sri. N. K. Tyagi
Chief Engineer (Civil )
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi.
Sub: Action to be taken to fill up the vacancies on the basis of latest Recruitment
Rules for the post of Multi Tasking Staff - reg.
Ref: DOP letter No. 45-2/2011 – SPB –I dated 27-1-2011.
The DOP has issued recruitment rules for the post of Multi Tasking staff vide reference ibid and directed all the CPMG`s to process the appointments in time-frame and to complete appointments by 29th March, 2011 as regards to the vacancies to be filled up departmentally by effecting regularization from T/S Casual laborers, Casual and part-time casual laborers in the other wings of the Postal Department. There are casual laborers with Temporary Status and also Part-time Casual laborers in Civil Wing also, for whom orders are not issued. The Civil Wing officers are requested to bestow interest in the staff cases as they are no attended from the day of formation of Postal Civil Wing.
In this regard we request your good-self to cause the following action in this regard:
a. To issue recruitment rules of Multi Skilled Employees in respect of Postal Civil Wing.
b. To issue orders for the filling of posts as done for the other wings of the Postal Department.
c. To frame recruitment rules in respect of the various maintenance cadres of Civil/Electrical if the existing recruitment rules are to be modified in the light of the recommendations of the VIth CPC and issue orders for filling up the vacancies in entry cadres as well as in promotion cadres also.
It is requested to complete the process in Civil Wing as per the schedule fixed in the DOP letter cited above.
The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
( S. A. Raheem )
General Secretary.
Copy to:
Janab Salim Haque, Deputy Director General (P), Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi in response to the letter cited under reference with a request to cause to issue similar orders in respect of Postal Civil Wing also.
General Secretary.